Johan Lindblad appointed Head of Legal at Viva Wine Group
Viva Wine Group has appointed Johan Lindblad as Head of Legal. He will start his position December 2, 2024 and will be a member of the Group Executive Management Team.
"I look forward to becoming part of a truly entrepreneurial Group with a tremendous legacy of growth and value creation”, says Johan Lindblad, incoming Head of Legal for Viva Wine Group.
“I am very pleased to welcome Johan to Viva Wine Group. With his broad experience in the legal and alcoholic beverage industry, he is a perfect fit for the position", says Emil Sallnäs, CEO of Viva Wine Group.
Johan comes from a position as Senior Legal Counsel at Helix Sweden AB. He has extensive experience from senior positions in the FMCG industry with a particular focus on national and international trade and related policy issues. Previous positions have included Head of Public Affairs at Systembolaget AB and as General Counsel at Kooperativa Förbundet.
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FNCA Sweden AB is the Company's Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market.
For more information, please contact:
Linn Gäfvert, CFO Viva Wine Group
Mobile: + 46 730 86 89 90
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